Hi. I am taking a blog pause at the moment. Till then.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

DIY Using Sunglasses Lenses as Photo Filter

Few days ago I did a little experiment with Firmoo sunglasses. I used the lenses as photo filter. It was easy peasy and not that I invented it, you may have already known. Easy and fun as I always bring sunglasses when I am out under the sun.

The lenses I used were brown tinted lenses. I used pocket camera Canon Power Shot A720 IS. Oldie but goodie (bought in fleamarket). I had no rules except put the lens in front of the camera lens and ta daaaaa. I enjoyed the unperfect effects, the blur of the frames, reflection of something or light streaks. I had some experiments with other lenses and so far brown tint is what I like most. Here are some of the results, with and without lenses.

Oh by the way, I remember Beautiful Mess blog had made photo filters with plastic sheet, draw or color something on the sheet with marker and it's also interesting. Maybe I could try or combine with my glasses sometimes later.

Coba coba eksperimen menggunakan lensa brown tint kacamata sebagai foto filter. Ga pakai aturan khusus tinggal pegang aja lensa kacamata depan lensa kamera. Mau miring, agak jauhan, bingkainya kelihatan, de-el-el. Biarkan hasilnya jadi kejutan. Saya sendiri suka hasil efek ga sempurna seperti pada kamera toy. Menurut saya efek yang dihasilkan dari lensa kacamata brown tint ini paling cocok buat pemandangan dan suasana musim gugur atau gaya tempo doeloe. Saya sudah coba juga menggunakan jenis lensa kacamata yang lain tapi sejauh ini saya paling suka dengan brown tint. Beginilah contoh hasilnya; foto tanpa filter dan dengan filter. Scroll down...:)

Using sunglasses brown tint lenses as photo filter.
Left = without, right = with filter.
No other edit except resize and collage.
Left = without sunglasses lens, right = with brown tint sunglasses lens
Left = without filter, right = with filter
Without filter.
I've known these pretty fuchsia colors flowers as a little girl in Indonesia. I and my girl friends pinched them until became like wet pulp and put them on our nails for few minutes to color our nails.
With filter. Bigger look from the collage.
The filter effect on man figure. He was wearing white clothes and blue vest.
I personally think brown tint sunglasses lens suit for autumn view.
I like the unperfect effect of the sunglasses frames or reflection of something..I don't know really what has made the horizontal streak.
The sunglasses frames or maybe the reflection of camera zoom frames made surprising effect like on toy analog camera.
By the way, I like the plaid blazer with elbow patches that woman was wearing.

Have you done experiment like this too? How is the results?

Wish you a super inspiring time!


  1. gorgeous

  2. Awesome photos ;)

    I invite you and your lovely readers to my first giveaway - you can win 30$ voucher code on glasses from Firmoo :)

    Details: http://blond-yasmin.blogspot.com/2013/10/firmoo-giveaway-30-voucher-code-for-you.html


Your comments color me, thankyou!

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